Title: Every Guest Is a Hero: Disney’s Theme Parks and the Magic of Mythic Storytelling
Author: Adam M. Berger
Year: 2013
Publisher: BCA Press
Title: Space Bitches, Witches, and Kick-Ass Princesses: Star Wars and Popular Feminism in Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling
Author: Megen de Bruin-Molé
Year: 2017
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Title: ComMUSICation: From Pavlov’s Dog To Sound Branding
Author: John Groves
Year: 2011
Publisher: Oak Tree Press
Title: Digital Storytelling: A Creator’s Guide to Interactive Entertainment
Author: Carolyn Handler Miller
Year: 2008
Publisher: Focal Press
Title: Noise: A Human History of Sound and Listening
Author: David Henry
Year: 2013
Publisher: Ecco
Title: Oplevelsesdesign
Authors: Julie Bouchet, Mikael Vetner, & Christian Jantzen
Year: 2011
Publisher: Samfundslitteratur
Title: Storyscaping: Stop Creating Ads, Start Creating Worlds
Authors: Gaston Legorburu & Darren McColl
Year: 2014
Publisher: Wiley
Title: This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession
Author: David J. Levitin
Year: 2007
Publisher: Plume/Penguin
Title: The Immersive Worlds Handbook: Designing Theme Parks and Consumer Spaces
Author: Scott Lukas
Year: 2012
Publisher: Focal Press
Title: The Themed Space: Locating Culture, Nation, and Self
Author: Scott Lukas
Year: 2007
Publisher: Lexington Books
Title: Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling
Author: Kelly McErlean
Year: 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Title: A Creator’s Guide To Transmedia Storytelling: How To Captivate and Engage Audiences Across Multiple Platforms
Author: Andrea Phillips
Year: 2012
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Title: In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise
Author: George Prochnick
Year: 2011
Publisher: Anchor
Title: The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World
Author: R. Murray Schafer
Year: 1993
Publisher: Destiny Books
Title: Procedural Storytelling In Game Design
Author: Tanya X. Short
Year: 2019
Publisher: Routledge
Title: Rubber Hands ‘Feel’ Touch That Eyes See
Authors: Matthew Botvinick & Jonathan Cohen
Year: 1998
Journal: Nature
Title: The Rubber Hand Illusion: Sensitivity and Reference Frame for Body Ownership
Authors: Marcello Costantini & Patrick Haggard
Year: 2007
Journal: Consciousness and Cognition
Title: Bodies in Technology
Author: Eduardo Mendieta
Year: 2003
Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology
Title: Participant Involvement In Reality Simulation Experiences
Author: Imke Grabe
Year: 2018
University: IT University of Copenhagen
Title: The Sense of Embodiment in Virtual Reality
Authors: Mel Slater, Konstantina Kilteni, & Raphaela Groten
Year: 2012
University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology