Integrated Storytelling by design

Strategies and concepts for themed and branded experiences

This is the companion website for the book “Integrated Storytelling by Design: Concepts, Principles and Methods for New Narrative Dimensions. Here you’ll find supporting materials for the book, cases, information about the author, and more.

Published in 2021 by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group


Integrated Storytelling by Design

Concepts, Principles and Methods for New Narrative Dimensions

Klaus Sommer Paulsen

This pioneering work equips you with the skills needed to create and design powerful stories and concepts for interactive, digital, multi-platform storytelling and experience design that will take audience engagement to the next level.

Klaus Sommer Paulsen presents a bold new vision of what storytelling can become if it is reinvented as an audience-centric design method. His practices unlock new ways of combining story with experience for a variety of existing, new and upcoming platforms.

Buy the book here:

Exclusive, complimentary release of Chapters 34 & 35 “Acknowledging the Dark Side of Storytelling”

About the author:
Klaus Sommer Paulsen

CEO and Founder of AdventureLAB

Klaus Sommer Paulsen is an award-winning concept developer, designer, storyteller and creative director. His expertise in the convergence of storytelling, digital innovation and experience design has been built through a career spanning decades and disciplines. He has collaborated with VIA University College Film & Transmedia, Aarhus University, University of Southern Denmark and University of Tartu Pärnu College. He was also the contributing editor of Create Converge’s 2019 anthology Storytelling Beyond The Screen.

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